Mar 26, 2024 | Article

Sanity is a casualty in a world that sees truth as a flimsy thing based on your point of view. The shifting sands of moral relativity inspire peak awareness summed up in the slogan, “If it feels good, do it!” 

Strife is inevitable when absolute truth dies. Justice dies unlamented. Honor, righteousness, virtue, decency, goodness, and trustworthiness wither like fruit on a dry vine. 

Self-indulgent shallowness becomes the new normal, exemplified by the grubby stupidity of celebrities and politicians, the empty blabber of media scribes whose ignorance is exceeded only by their lies, and the unbridled viciousness of elites and activists, notable for the depths of their hypocrisy, the heights of their twisted ambitions and the vast expanses of their greedy immorality. Under their influence the quick descent of society into a muddied mass of discontent is assured. 

When truth dies in the human consciousness there is no boundary to depravity. We don’t merely lose our way; we lose touch with our humanity and our Creator who declares, “I Am the Truth”. But that schism is the whole intent of the Big Lie—chaos that follows denial of God and Truth leads multitudes to destruction.  

Such turmoil presents a great challenge to those who have not abandoned Truth as a living reality. We must not merely acknowledge Truth but intentionally live it and share it each day as a rebuke to the Lie.