America is hurtling towards events that may change us beyond recognition in the months and years ahead. Whether we are located on the political left or right it looks like an approaching train wreck and we wonder how bad it will be.
If you feel the need for emotional or spiritual comfort and security at a time like this, you’re not alone. But where will you find it?
Consider God, if you’re not already a believer. And if you do claim Jesus Christ as your Savior, but still need comfort, it means you need to get a little closer to Him! He chose discomfort when He reduced Himself to the form of a human who began life as a helpless baby, grew to be a man, and then submitted to torture and death, so that you and I could be forever changed by His resurrection life.
His supreme act of self-sacrifice makes our Creator “the God of all comfort” to those who have none and are glad to receive His life. But perhaps you can’t accept that as a possibility, or you’re just too busy to give Him more than a passing thought each week, and an hour of your time in church on Sunday. Where, then, do you expect to find comfort in a time of chaos?