World Evangelism: More Than a Slogan 

Oct 1, 2024 | Stewardship

At Bluegrass Baptist Church our purpose is to glorify God, love each other, and evangelize the world. That last part might sound too ambitious, especially when you measure the size of our church and our limited resources against the vastness of the world beyond Georgetown, Kentucky. 

A similar thought undoubtedly crossed the minds of the small band of disciples who heard their resurrected Lord tell them to be His witnesses to the farthest corners of the earth (Acts 1:8). He didn’t tell them to first build a big, financially strong organization staffed with highly trained executives able to extend a viable network across the globe—He simply said, “Go!” 

We’re still following that commission. And like those early Christians, we do it one step at a time, carrying the message of the Gospel to our friends and neighbors and extended families, while supporting others who are willing to take the Gospel to the Caribbean and South America and Africa and Europe and Asia. 

Today we support 22 missionary families and two national pastors who are active in countries around the world. May the number continue to grow even as God continues to bless our ministry here, in our “Jerusalem”.