The real question behind objections to God’s sovereignty—so beloved of spiritually dead theologians, apostates and those seeking to neuter God so that they can rule in His name and in His place—is recorded in Genesis 3:1, where the devil plants a doubt in the mind of the woman with his sibilant provocation: Did God really say that?
The devil does not have a very complicated playbook, and he is consistent. Sooner or later, he poses the same question to us all, and while it takes many forms in essence it is this: Is scripture trustworthy? Has God spoken, as the Bible claims in the letter to the Hebrews, “in time past unto the fathers by the prophets (and) in these last days…by his Son…”? And are these words faithfully recorded?
The questioning adversary would have us believe that there is no complete, true and exclusive revelation of the Creator God and His will for the human race. But the Bible states categorically that it is such a record. The same pages that open with, “In the beginning, God…” also declare with unabashed confidence that “all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16).
We have a choice, to believe and respond to the Word of God as recorded in the Bible, or to believe something else. However, if we make the latter choice, we should be aware that God has little patience with those who willfully ignore Him—they have no excuse. He reveals Himself not only in the written word: nature itself speaks of Him: The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork. (Psalm 19:1)
The Creator has engraved His signature indelibly on His creation – most notably, on the hearts and minds of creation’s pinnacle, the human race, made “in His image” to fellowship with Him!
Those who willfully disregard these inconvenient facts and the challenge they pose to acknowledge and submit to God will have to answer for their decision on Judgment Day.