A newspaper report several years ago focused on “the Christian hard rock and metal scene”.  The reporter identifies himself as “a teenager growing up in the evangelical subculture [who] was a huge fan of Christian hard rock and metal in the early 2000s.” He says...

The Challenge of Radical Christianity 

Chicago Community Organizer Saul Alinsky published his famously controversial Rules for Radicals in 1971. The book is dedicated to Lucifer whose rebellion won him a kingdom.  Long before Alinsky there was Christ, whose humility and submission won Him a very...

Pie in the sky? 

Some people think that Christianity offers “pie in the sky” – promises that sound good and never deliver. But for real pie in the sky look at advertising! It has become so much a part of life we hardly notice how it constantly churns out pies somewhat less substantial...


Paradox is inherent to Christianity. Paul writes of being strong when he is weak. Jesus warned that whoever desires to save his life will lose it. On other occasions our Lord promised that the least among his followers would be great, and the meek would inherit the...

Death as Antidote to Hubris 

The absurdity of atheist man lies in his determination to make himself God in defiance of the certainty that he is separated from the grave by no more than the next step, the next breath, and the last heartbeat.   From this unstable pulpit of a brittle and...