Busy Bluegrass …
Since Pastor Kyle Fannin and his wife Jessica arrived in Georgetown, Kentucky to plant Bluegrass Baptist Church the congregation of two has steadily multiplied and so have the places of worship – from the basement of a public building to a shopfront in a strip mall to a small warehouse that was once home to a dog parlor and a fish market, and now to a purpose-built church facility.
Within a few months of the first meeting in the basement of the Cardome Center there were 16 people at the charter signing in December 2008. The numbers grew until new accommodations were found (2010) in a strip mall where the shops and office spaces were eventually all absorbed by the growing church family, necessitating the next move in 2015.

The facility was the right size, ideally located at the intersection of South Broadway and McClelland Circle, but it needed a lot of faith and imagination to see a church meeting in a squat warehouse. It took $100,000 and months of hard work primarily at night and on weekends by skilled builders in the congregation to transform the interior of the building into a facility that could accommodate 200 people in an auditorium and adjacent Sunday school rooms and nurseries. The building sat on a not very efficient septic tank and still looked ugly on the outside, but the congregation continued to grow until overcrowding, lack of parking space, and the increasingly problematical septic tank forced the move to our present facility.
The $1.5 million building on four acres situated at the corner of Georgetown Road (25) and New Coleman Lane was completed in nine months and occupied in November of 2017. Dozens of church members again contributed their skilled labor by adding finishing touches including flooring, painting, bathroom and kitchen installations and other cosmetic touches.
The facility was planned to accommodate our needs for the next 10 years, with an auditorium for about 250 and another 100 adults and children in nurseries and Sunday School rooms. In anticipation of a next and final move, a 18-acre property was acquired less than a mile down New Coleman Lane.
However, steady growth in the number of members and regular attenders has seen attendance peak to 300 at times and has brought on a parking lot expansion and construction of a 1,400 sq. ft. modular building that provides additional space for classrooms.